Prostate Cancer Theranostics

Future Health Lab Alfred-Adler-Straße 1, Vienna, Austria

Radiolabelled prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is increasingly used for the diagnosis (i.e., staging and restaging) and treatment of patients with prostate cancer. Radionuclide PSMA therapy is a useful new treatment […]


Challenges of Zr89 Imaging

While PET imaging with radionuclides such as F18 and Ga68 have proven to provide high quality diagnostic imaging, imaging with other radionuclides can be more challenging. Zr-89 is one such […]


Theranostic Training: Practical and Methodological Concepts

This webinar aims to introduce the concept of theranostics and provide an overview of its potential. Participants will gain an understanding of how our technological competencies contribute to and enhance […]
