Future Health Lab
Alfred-Adler-Straße 1, Vienna, Austria
This course provides a comprehensive overview of the multimodality diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis. Background information on amyloidosis in general is presented and typical disease manifestations are discussed. Furthermore, the significance of cardiac amyloidosis will be discussed in detail and possible therapeutic options will be explained. Imaging modalities will include a focus on echocardiography, cardiac MRI, […]
The present course aims to describe the current status, in terms of diagnosis and therapy for gynecological cancers. All the gynecological malignancies (i.e., ovary cancer, endometrial cancer, cervical and vaginal cancer) will be evaluated from the oncological and from diagnostic point of view, with a major emphasis on the role of nuclear medicine, both in […]
This self-paced online course will offer a comprehensive exploration of the anatomy, physiology, and diagnostic tools related to parathyroid glands disorders. The course will cover a range of topics, including the regulation of parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion and his mechanisms of action, etiology, clinical manifestations, and notably the diagnostic approaches ( laboratory and imaging), and […]
Fever of unknown origin (FUO) is a clinically challenging diagnostic problem in children and adults. Growing evidence has shown that FDG PET/CT is valuable in the diagnostic work-up of FUO since abnormal PET findings substantially increase the likelihood of achieving a definite diagnosis. However, some differences in the definition of FUO, etiology, imaging evaluation and […]
The webinar aims to underly most relevant differences with the adults DCT about the epidemiology, genetics, pathology, immunoistopathology, diagnostic tools and treatment, expecially for RAI theranostic procedure . The webinar has the aim also to underly the main GL recommandations. Two emblematic or tricky cases will be presented and discussed. Learning Objectives Target Audience Suggested Readings Faculty Event […]