Nuclear Cardiology Certification

The European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI) organises this certification in collaboration with the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM).

The duration of the examination is 3 hours with no break and can be taken online. It is monitored by a human proctor online and the course language is English.

The next EACVI/EANM examination in Nuclear Cardiology will take place online on November 5, 2024 (registrations will open three months prior to the exam date)

The certification is available for all healthcare professionals but is specifically intended for healthcare professionals who provide independent clinical services. A medical qualification is not obligatory. However, it is anticipated that most successful candidates will be so qualified.

The certification is valid for a duration of 5 years.

Candidates that were successfully certified have been approved by the Nuclear Cardiology Exam Board Committee.

1: The Examination
A certificate of examination success will be awarded. The examination will last 3 hours and consists of 120 questions, each containing a clinical stem, a question and five options to choose from. The results will then be verified by the Exam Board, usually within two months after the completion of the exam.
2: Confirmation of knowledge, experience and skill from a professional colleague, trainer, supervisor, or mentor
Skills, knowledge, and practical experience to deliver a safe and effective clinical service in Nuclear Cardiology are a requirement for the certification. If you are currently not practising Nuclear Cardiology, you should at least have been doing so for one year in the past five years. This must be confirmed by a signed letter from a trainer, mentor, supervisor, colleague, or manager that has known you professionally in that period.
3: Successful completion of clinical reports of unknown studies
Once the Nuclear Cardiology written examination was successfully passed, candidates can proceed with the third stage. 10 nuclear cardiology studies have to be downloaded, reconstructed and viewed, followed by a written report that has to be submitted. This will then be examined and scored by at least two examiners for accuracy.
  • If all three stages have been completed successfully, the Certification in Nuclear Cardiology will be awarded.

If you are interested in more detailed information about the certification, please visit the website of the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging (EACVI).